Elderly woman breaks down when surprised with late husband’s Jeep

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Worked really hard to get my Lolo’s (passed away 16 years ago) ’75 Jeep CJ5 running and brought here to Manila from Bacolod where it’s been since it was bought.

And today I brought it to my 93-year-old Lola’s house for her to see it running again.

Haven’t seen her this happy, excited, and sad at the same time. She cried.

‘Your Lolo used to take me in that Jeep and we went to the farm. We crossed the Bago river twice just to get to the farm! …he used to sit there and I sat next to him.’

I will never forget this day. She made me cry too.

woman in a casual floor length dress standing next to an old doorless red jeep
Chino Yulo

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Chino Yulo of the Philippines. Submit your story here.

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