‘He’s out here everyday in the hot sun trying to earn money, and not beg for it or rob for it.’

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“This is Tyrone. He sells drinks on the corner of sample and 441. We drive by him sometimes on the way home from school to buy drinks from him. He always gives away a Sunny D ‘on him’ he says.

Homeless man standing beside cars on road holding a red gatorade

I usually slide him a $5 or $10 bill or whatever I have on me. He always has a smile on his face and I can’t help but be in awe of his determination and his hustle. He’s out here everyday in the hot sun trying to earn money, and not beg for it or rob for it. His mood is always bright and He always has a motivational sign posted. Today’s sign says ‘never talk down on anyone’s bad situation, because in a blink of an eye, you could be walking in the same shoes.’

Orange sign in grass that says, "Never talk down on anyones bad situation..."

What a profound and true statement! Today I dropped him off a bin full of blankets and some old clothes I could gather but I wish I could do more for him! I barely even know him but he has touched and inspired me so much. His outlook on life despite his hardships is so incredible. So if you’re around the Coral Springs area, stop by sample and 441 for a cold drink! I know Tyrone would appreciate the business.”

Homeless man on side of road who works hard to get back on his feet

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Ashley-Marie Margaret of Florida. Submit your story here, and subscribe to our best love stories here.

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