‘Yes, you are my second child, but my love for you is second to none. You’ve made me the mama I am proud to be.’: Mom shares touching ode to baby #2, ‘I’d move mountains for you in seconds’

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“My second child,

You may have come in that order, but you aren’t second rate.

The only second you are to me is my second language.

The one I had to learn because you were so different from my first.

My second wind, when things get too much, and some days they do, you give me the grace to be patient with myself.

My second nature, yes you’re your own little person, but things were a little easier this time around. I rested into it without the resistance of a first time Mom.

My second skin, I treasure our cuddles under a blanket where I can breathe you in like an old book.

I’ll admit, I wasn’t up every second checking if you were breathing in your cot, I could feel it in my hearts rhythm while I slept.

I didn’t check my app quite as often as to whether you were the size of a lime or an avocado, and your scrapbook hasn’t come together yet…in fact, it’s still a thought in my mind.

Yes, your clothes might be second hand and the milestone photos aren’t as planned out. Sometimes, they’re a few days late.

You hear me yell more than I’d like to admit. You didn’t arrive into peace and quiet, my soft sing-song voice is usually interrupted by a crash somewhere and then more yelling.

I hear myself often saying ‘Hold on a second,’ ‘Wait a second.’ But this doesn’t mean you come second. Please don’t give that a second thought.

I may not be able to give you everything you want, but I will always try to give you everything you need. Please never second guess that.

Know in your little core, how special you are to me.

Yes, you are my second child, not the second half of my heart, but the other half.

You didn’t make me a Mama, but you’ve made me the mama I am proud to be.

I’d move mountains for you in seconds.

And my second child, my love for you is second to none.”

Courtesy of Jessica Urlichs

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Jessica Urlichs. You can follow her journey on Instagram. Submit your own story here, and be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories.

Read more from Jessica:

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