‘We need to dislodge the baby. It’s stuck in the neck of your womb.’ The gynecologist took me into a room. I felt physically sick.’: Mom births miracle rainbow baby after miscarriage

“I sat down on the toilet, bleeding. ‘Stay where you are. Do not flush. We’re sending an ambulance.’ As the gynecologist explained how small babies are at this stage, she started to roll my baby between her fingers. I couldn’t believe it. With the shock and upset of everything going on, I said nothing.”

‘I had visions of these lovely children who would follow the rules. Turns out, these little people don’t really care much about my vision.’: Mom learns important lesson about children, ‘I’m not in control’

“I picked up a million shoes and socks and empty wrappers and stray toys from the floor then washed breakfast dishes and gathered clothes that are sitting BESIDE the hamper to shove into the washer. And my eyes came to rest on the empty toilet paper roll.”

‘BAM. There it was. ‘50% DNA FATHER.’ I knew he was out there, but he had no idea about me. He got the surprise of a lifetime.’: Woman meets biological father 35 years later, ‘He opened his heart and his home’

“There were things about me that just didn’t make sense. I have blue eyes, olive skin, and tan easily. No one in my family has blue eyes; not my mom, not my sister, or my grandparents. I was the vacation souvenir he knew nothing about. Nearly 24 hours later, HE RESPONDED.”

‘Oh, that poor baby! Why don’t you do something with her nappy hair?’ The other kids weren’t allowed to play with me, the ‘little mixed girl.’: Mom to bi-racial family details experiences with racism

“My mom always carried a brush and detangler. She still carries them with her everywhere she goes, 26 years later. I remember sitting on the floor in my living room, my mom meticulously brushing for hours, crying because of the comments. I wanted to be like the other kids. ‘This is just the way it is, honey.'”

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