“I love the end of the school year.
This is the time of year I get to hear about all the future plans that my High School Seniors are setting into motion.
They start telling me where they plan to work, what they plan to pursue, and where they may continue schooling.
I have written several college recommendations, so the students often tell me the colleges they have been accepted to and the money offered to them.
Last night I heard from a student I taught last year but have not spoken to in months. I asked him what he plans to do post-graduation and he said, ‘I’m just going to community college.’
My heart sank.
He’s worked his butt off for 4 years and he isn’t proud to be going to community college?
It’s his life. It’s his future. And it is a great one!
This is not a time to compare to friends or family or friends of the family. Any college is a great achievement! Delaying college or not attending college to go straight into the workforce is totally awesome too.
He is graduating and that is HUGE. It’s never ‘just community college.’
I told him that his response was not acceptable, and we needed to have the conversation again, and that this time he had to say, ‘I am proud and excited to say that I am going to college! I am going to community college.’
He obliged and I heard something new in his voice. I heard confidence.
Friends, there are so many reasons we have to doubt ourselves and our future. What we choose to do post-graduation should always make us proud.
We are only competing with ourselves. It’s our goals, our dreams, and our future and we should always be proud!”

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Andrea Smolin of My 3 Sons. Be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories.
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