Irini Orihuela is an Editor at Love What Matters. She graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in journalism. In her free time, she enjoys photography and hikes.

‘Nick went from the world’s best husband to the world’s best infertility med administrator. As my faith wavered, his positivity never faltered.’: PCOS warrior candidly shares infertility journey

“We were two high schoolers sitting in the front seat of a pick-up, planning for the future. Falling in love at 17, we made plans for where we’d live, what we’d do, who we’d be together. We joked about names for our future babies, who they’d look like. Never in a million years did we realize our journey to becoming parents would look like this.”

‘She looks 7 months pregnant.’ Only 14, my stomach was so big and hard. I knew something wasn’t right.’: Woman candidly details battle with childhood ovarian cancer, infertility journey

“‘You’re fine. I’ll call the doctor, but it’s probably nothing.’ They pulled mother aside and asked if she was sure I wasn’t pregnant. ‘99% sure.’ When the test came back negative, we were told, ‘All your daughter’s organs are covered with a huge mass.'”

‘Hi, this is your OB calling. I have your genetic results.’ Tears flowing, I realized my ‘pregnancy hormones’ were actually a premonition.’: Mom to son with Down syndrome vows to spend rest of life ‘shouting his worth’

“‘We will do this. This is our baby and we will love him no matter what.’ As we exited the car, I saw parents holding the hands of their little girl. She turned around and smiled at us and I saw SHE had it too. Tears flooded my eyes as I realized God was already showing up for us.”

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