‘I remember our first marital therapy session vividly. I sat separated from Ryan and the tension between us felt so strong. We were two hurting people only hurting each other.’: Wife says despite ‘horrible’ first session, ‘healing was happening’

“I had so much I wanted to say to Ryan, many things I had said to him before, but saying them in front of someone felt like they would be heard. But that day my heart ultimately exploded, literally, in the form of tears and anger.”

‘At 13, I arrived at the hospital to be drug tested. ‘Is there any chance you could be pregnant?’ I SOBBED.’: Young girl discovers pregnancy after ‘downward spiral’

“Attending 8th grade with terrible morning sickness was especially challenging. The rumors started. I began receiving notes. ‘I heard you’re pregnant. Is it true?!’ I was advised to have an abortion by everyone, except my mom. Even after sneaking out, stealing her car, skipping school, alcohol and drugs, she NEVER gave up on me. I was 14 when I gave birth. It’s not every day you’re sitting in a waiting room with a 14-year-old mom, with her baby’s oxygen tank on her back.”

‘My kids were born addicted to numerous street drugs. Their bio mom, then and now, has chosen addiction over them.’: Same-sex couple take in 3 ‘neglected’ children, long to become a ‘big, permanent part of 5’

“My boy was found by CPS unattended with a full, wet diaper and a bottle of curdled milk. His 4-year-old brother answered the door because their bio mom and her boyfriend were asleep with the door locked. My wife and I have been to every appointment, school function. We tuck them in every night, kiss every boo-too, and love them more every day. But we’re not yet their ‘parents,’ legally. This woman, who has a total of 6 kids, the most recent also born addicted to drugs is their ‘mother.’ We don’t ever plan on stopping until we have officially adopted our babies.”

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