‘It finally happened. I was introduced as her ‘new Grandma.’ My heart was so full. This is what I’d been missing for so long.’: Woman becomes surrogate grandma through ‘Surrogate Grandparents USA’

“I thought, ‘Well, what the heck.’ A lovely young lady messaged me. Turns out, her girls needed a grandma in their lives just as much as I needed grandbabies to love. She has struggles she is unable to disclose to her own mom, so I have become her confidant. All I ever wanted to be is a good mom, and an even better Grandma.”

‘I knew it was over. He felt the weight of not being true to himself as gay. We were entering uncharted territory – co-parenting.’: Couple learns to co-parent peacefully

“I got off the phone devastated. Bawling. I felt like a failure. Losing a partnership like that, a friendship, felt like death. I began to picture all the holidays – separated as a family, and the awkward meet ups to switch the kids on our given days. I pictured being cold and disrespectful to other. It was the most painful things I could imagine.”

‘You need to go to the school and get them. It’s already in the news.’ My phone was flooded. ‘This isn’t real. He has to come home.’: Firefighter dies in accident on way to fight fire

“I doubled over. I couldn’t lift my arms. My head felt heavy as it rested against my knees. My dad opened the door and immediately covered me. I felt the moisture of his tears against my cheek. I approached the very tall, soft-faced Chaplain. He had the saddest eyes I’d ever seen.”

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