Dear Daughter, I Don’t Want To Let Go—But You Weren’t Created To Stand Still

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“Darling Girl,

Oh, how many times I prayed for you.

Imagined you.

Pictured your every detail.

Drew you with my mind’s art box.

Oh, how many times I have dreamed for you.

I have wished upon a star for you.

I have hit my knees, tears falling upon you.

I have lost my breath simply watching you.

Oh, how many times I would freeze time.

Keep you just as you are right in this moment.

Capture every seemingly meaningless second with you.

Never forget a sliver of time in your amazing presence.

For everything in me wants to keep you so incredibly close to me, sweet baby.

But, the thing is, I know I will spend my entire time as your mother preparing to let you go.

To watch your footsteps sturdy themselves.

To witness your wings slowly budding.

To fall in awe of them opening, bit-by-bit.

You weren’t created to stand still, beautiful one.

You weren’t created by mistake or without design.

Rather, you were molded with intentional purpose, radiance and magnificence, all your own.

Illuminating your own one-of-a-kind path through the darkness of our world.

One step, laugh, and smile at a time.

What a magnificent work of art you are, precious one.

Nothing short of one of the greatest masterpieces of all.

With a mighty and incredible destiny, you were created.

Setting you apart from all others.

To fulfill a purpose that only you can.

I have such big dreams for you, darling girl.

But the universe?

You can’t even imagine its plans for an exceptional masterpiece like you.

You were simply born to fly.

So, soar, sweet one.

Conquer the world.

Fly high.

And, spread those radiant wings, far-and-wide.

But always remember to courageously fly, and never forget, no matter how far away you go, to bring my heart back home with you once more.”

Happy toddler girl being swung by mom
Courtesy of Elizabeth Spenner

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Elizabeth Spenner of Gracefully WovenSubmit your own story here, and be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories and YouTube for our best videos.

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