‘I promise to always be your dad.’: Husband to single mom adopts adult son

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“In July of 1995, the most beautiful blue-eyed baby boy I had ever seen made me a mom. But within a few weeks, I also became a single mom. I was only 22, Spencer had major health issues, and I remember thinking I would never find a man who would love me and my son.

In April of 1996, Spencer was healthy, and I went back to work full time. It was there that I met a man named David Collins. We started dating in May when Spencer was just 9 months old and were married in 1998.

At our wedding, David not only made vows to me, but he knelt down and vowed to Spencer that he would be there for his first baseball game, his first girlfriend, when he learned to drive, and every milestone that life would bring. He promised to always be his dad. Spencer started calling David ‘Dad’ all on his own sometime after he turned 1. David was already filling the role, but he solidified his commitment on our wedding day.

David kept his promise. When Spencer was a minor, we attempted adoption, but the biological father that had never been in Spencer’s life refused to give up his rights. Thankfully, we were able to change Spencer’s last name, so he has been an official Collins for many years. BUT that wasn’t enough.

family standing together in living room
Courtesy of Shannon Collins

We talked about adult adoption, but life happened, and we didn’t do it immediately after Spencer turned 18. Recently, we decided we had waited too long, and it was time.

January 6, 2021 was that day! David adopted Spencer that morning, and he’s fully and completely David’s son, a Collins through and through!

The day wasn’t exactly what we envisioned. Over the previous couple of months, while we navigated the process, we planned on being in a courtroom surrounded by family, dressed well, taking pictures, etc. On Monday of that week, we learned our county was moving all hearings back to Zoom format. So that morning we all gathered at our home in front of a computer on a Zoom session with our attorney, the judge, and a court reporter. We were sworn in, and within 10-15 minutes, it was official. We dressed up a little and took a few pictures to help us remember the day.

parents with son being sworn in for adoption
Courtesy of Shannon Collins

01-06-2021 will always be a special one for our family. We have always been a family. We’ve shared a last name and so much more. David promised to fill the role of Dad, and he’s certainly done that. For the entirety of Spencer’s life, the only dad he’s ever known has been David. Adoption didn’t change that! David has always been Spencer’s dad, and Spencer has always been David’s son. What it did was tie up a loose end that’s been dangling for too long. Our story isn’t over. It will continue for years to come as our family continues to grow. BUT that day, we wrapped up a very important chapter!

adoptive son with mother and father making funny faces
Courtesy of Shannon Collins

Today, Spencer is married to a beautiful young lady, Maritza Collins. They have a 5-year-old son, with a new baby on the way. The 5-year-old is not Spencer’s biological son. The situation is so similar to our story, and Spencer wants to adopt his son as well. He knows how special it is and is sharing the same love he was given in the role of dad. It’s pretty awesome!

adoptive family with man and wife
Courtesy of Shannon Collins

Life doesn’t always go as planned. We have questions, fears, detours. But God is always in control, and He has a plan. His plan often doesn’t look like our own, but it’s the outcome, the destination. It was a long journey to get to today, but a part of our story is now complete. It’s our story, and it’s oh so special! I am so thankful for the man God placed in my path who did love me AND Spencer from day 1. God knew what we all needed, and He provided something very special! This is us. I love us!”

adoptive parents with son
Courtesy of Shannon Collins

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Shannon Collins, with her husband David and sons Spencer and Tucker, of Spring, Texas. You can follow their journey on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Shannon’s website. Submit your own story here, and be sure to subscribeto our free email newsletter for our best stories, and YouTube for our best videos.

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Are you or someone you know looking to adopt? Please SHARE on Facebook to make them aware there is a community of support available.

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