“Pride month?
Yes, and I’m a Pride mom!!!
I’ve known about Pride month for a while now, but it was only the other day when I had a reality shock—I am a Pride mom. That brought a warm smile to my face. A smile that came straight from the heart. If you didn’t know, both of my sons are gay. Ahh, I am so proud of both of them, proud of the humans they are, proud of the lovable people they are, and proud of the good men they are. Sons who’ve only filled my life with happiness. Boys with hearts of gold, who are generous and loving. They make my heart smile every day.
The other day I was speaking to someone who asked if my son had a girlfriend. I replied, ‘No, he doesn’t have a girlfriend. He’s gay.’ I could tell this person didn’t know how to react, so with a smile, I said, ‘I’m very proud of my sons and the courage they have not hiding their sexuality. After all, it doesn’t make them any less then.’
![mother standing with two sons dressed up](https://lwm-a2.azureedge.net/uploads/2022/06/Angela_Rissi_Siquara_pride_mom2-900x900.jpeg)
Well, I decided to talk about this because I believe there are many moms out there that have difficulty ‘accepting’ their child’s sexuality or gender expression. I can guarantee you one thing: ‘acceptance’ is the least we can do, it is our job as moms to love and respect no matter what.
It is hard for a mom to know her sons belong to a community where many face prejudice, are discriminated against, and are constantly disrespected. Of course, this made me cry when I first noticed the early signs of their ‘orientation’…yes, I cried and would even ask myself if this was really the case? Questions like, ‘Life would be so much easier if they weren’t, right?’
Easier for who? For the homophobic, prejudiced, toxically masculine society we live in? For a society that believes their ‘God’ loves differently than mine? For those who spend their lives judging others while ignoring their own sins? What ‘sin’ are they judging exactly? The sin of love? No, no…that doesn’t exist. I don’t believe in that.
As a mom to these young men I once carried in my womb. Boys who kept me and their dad up when they couldn’t sleep because of colics and crying. Sons I tried my best at being a good educator to. Of course, I’m not perfect. No mom is, but I love them beyond this life.
![sons and mother at Disney](https://lwm-a2.azureedge.net/uploads/2022/06/Angela_Rissi_Siquara_pride_mom1-900x1164.jpeg)
I am a Pride mom.
I know how hard they work to chase after their dreams. Always staying away from trouble. Never making me lose a night of sleep for not knowing where they are. Yes, I’ve been a tough and hard mom at times, but I raised strong men that know what they want in life. This is why I am always on their side, 100%.
As moms, we need to love our children without restrictions. And always show them what’s right from wrong. To me: it’s wrong to be prejudiced, it’s wrong to lie, and it’s wrong to hate and judge others. I always tell them they are responsible for their actions and the consequences of those actions. What’s important is their relationship with God and not what others think or say about them.
![mother and sons ziplining](https://lwm-a2.azureedge.net/uploads/2022/06/Angela_Rissi_Siquara_pride_mom6-900x907.jpeg)
I’m a Pride mom with all the love in the world. I’m an imperfect Pride mom, but I try my best. I’m a Pride mom who sometimes stumbles or says the wrong thing, but I am growing, learning, and loving. I thank God for diversity.
Like Raul Seixas sings, ‘I’d rather be this walking metamorphosis than having that old pre-set opinion about everything, about what it is love.’
With all this being said, I’m not opening up a forum for unwanted discussions or negative opinions. So if you don’t have anything positive to add to this, keep your thoughts and opinions to yourself!
To all the other Pride moms out there, I want you to know I love and respect you so much! Remember, it’s nobody else’s business but our children’s whom they love and with whom they will spend the rest of their lives. What matters is they are happy!
Even though Pride month will come to an end, every day is Pride! And I’m always proud of my sons and my gay friends.”
![sons and mother sitting at dinner table](https://lwm-a2.azureedge.net/uploads/2022/06/Angela_Rissi_Siquara_pride_mom4-900x1200.jpeg)
This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Angela Rissi Siquara of Niceville, Florida. You can follow her journey on Instagram, Facebook. Submit your own story here, and be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories, and YouTube for our best videos.
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