MOM HACK: How To Calm Your Fussy Baby

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“My daughter’s name is Anayah and she’s two months old. She was also born 7 weeks before her due date as a preemie baby.

I have a 16-month-old boy who was also a preemie named Jeremiah. My daughter has colic/reflux, so she has been super cranky and  constantly wants to be held. It got to the point where I couldn’t put her down for more than 10 minutes without her crying.

I saw this great hack and it’s the BEST THING I’VE DONE YET! She forever wants to be held and now I get my break. It’s just rice in a glove and let me tell you it works!  I had seen something similar on Pinterest.

Woman takes a photo of a glove filled with rice
Courtesy Abigail Rivera Garcia

So, when I remembered my mom had gloves in her cabinet I went and grabbed a glove and poured some rice into the glove, packing it tightly. The moment I laid her down and placed the glove on her back, she stopped crying which was such a relief!

Of course, everyone has their own opinion on this hack. Some like it and some don’t but every mother knows their child. My daughter loves it and is doing just fine. I had to post it because I know how hard it is to not have a break and if I can help a mom out, I definitely will!

Note: My baby never sleeps with all the blankets around her or near this window; she has a crib for that. This was just a quick picture and she was being monitored the whole time.”

Newborn sleeps peacefully in her bassinet with a glove filled with rice on her back
Courtesy Abigail Rivera Garcia

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Abigail Rivera Garcia, 23, of Massachusetts. Subscribe to our free email newsletter, Living Better—your ultimate guide for actionable insights, evidence backed advice, and captivating personal stories, propelling you forward to living a more fulfilling life.

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