To The Rest Of The World You May Just Be A Mother, But To Your Kids, You Are Their Entire World

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“To the rest of the world,⁣⁣ you may be just a mother,⁣⁣ but to your children, you are their entire world.⁣⁣

You make chicken noodle soup and rub your children’s backs when they’re sick.

Like a nurse.⁣⁣

You let your children hop into bed with you when they have a nightmare and stand up to the monsters under their beds.

Like an activist.⁣⁣

You encourage your children to try again, help them with homework, and explain right from wrong.

Like a teacher.⁣⁣

After a hard day, you listen to your children and help them cool down.

Like a therapist.⁣⁣

You think of activities for your children, sing and dance with them, and play make-believe.

Like an entertainer.⁣⁣

You keep food on their table and know how to prepare meals just how your kids like them.

Like a chef.⁣⁣

You clean up toys, vacuum crumbs, make beds, do loads of laundry, wipe faces, and do dishes.

Like a cleaning service.⁣⁣

You have so many jobs,⁣⁣ the list could go on and on.⁣⁣

And on top of that, you build a home filled with so much love.⁣⁣

So to the rest of the world,⁣you may be just a mother,⁣⁣ but to your children, you are their entire world.⁣⁣

And that’s the most important and hardest job there is.⁣⁣”

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Danielle Sherman-Lazar of New Jersey. You can follow her journey on Facebook and her blog. Submit your own story here, and be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories.

Read more from Danielle here:

Your Body Brought A Child Into This World And Made Magic Happen—It’s Time To Love It Back

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