Teen mom shares photos right after having her baby versus now that she's grown

‘I was 15 and pregnant. No one ever asked my boyfriend any questions. No one ever gave him dirty looks at the store.’: Teen mom advocates for right to choose ‘with love, support, and help for ANY decision’

“Some say, ‘If you don’t want the baby you should just put ‘it’ up for adoption.’ As if putting ‘it’ up for adoption is the easy thing. As if pregnancy leaves no scars. As if once the child is born, she could move on as if nothing ever happened.”

On the left, woman battling breast cancer takes a photo with her family, on the right, same woman shows off her scars from her double mastectomy

‘Your cancer is aggressive.’ I replied, ‘Great, so am I.’ I was the youngest one in the oncology suite by 30 years.’: Breast cancer survivor celebrates three years cancer free, ‘I chose not to let fear define me’

“I was flooded with support, but also stories of ‘my aunt had it and she died’ or ‘my sister’s friend had it twice and she’s great now.’ I didn’t want the pink-washed version of cancer. I didn’t need you to tell me to write my kids goodbye letters. My story was different.”

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