‘Pretty impressive you can sleep in the middle seat.’ Little did I know I was sitting next to my future best friend and biggest fan.’⁠⁠: Woman shares chance encounter love story, urges ‘follow your intuition’

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“Find someone who encourages you to fly.
I quite literally met the love of my life while flying. ⁠⁠
We were on an airplane going to NYC to see our friends and we happened to sit next to each other.

Yup, I was stuck in the middle seat because I had spontaneously booked my flight the night before.

By the time the person in the aisle seat sat down, I had my headphones in and was crawled up to sleep the whole flight. ⁠⁠
When I woke up (because sleeping in the middle seat is truly miserable), the guy in the aisle seat made the cheesiest pick-up-line I’ve ever heard, ‘Pretty impressive you can sleep in the middle seat.’
The very first thing my husband said to me was, dare I say, a compliment? ⁠⁠
I laughed and realized my chance to fall back asleep was gone because now I was in a conversation with my aisle partner. ⁠⁠
Little did that Katie know, she was sitting next to her future best friend, biggest fan, most expansive cheerleader, and one of her wisest teachers. ⁠⁠

Young couple smile big while exchanging their vows to become married
Courtesy of Katie Terrell Ramos
Young newlyweds take intimate photos together, showing off their love for one another as well as their unique boho style
Courtesy of Katie Terrell Ramos

I’m so grateful my stubborn self didn’t go back to sleep and instead took the random opportunity to talk to a stranger on a plane. ⁠⁠
So, if you haven’t found your person yet, here’s some words from the gal who never saw him coming:
Look for a partner who listens closely to your dreams and then picks you back up over and over as you take the bumpy road to making them come true. ⁠⁠
Talk to strangers on planes, buses, boats, subways… maybe even on the ski lift. Don’t get lost in your phone (or sleep) while the world whirls by. ⁠⁠
Follow your intuition. I never planned to go to NYC until the night before I boarded that plane. Thank goodness my heart and my friends encouraged me to do so.
Cheers to many many many beautiful years to come with you, Trav. When we do fly again some day… I call the aisle seat.”

Couple celebrating their wedding anniversary take a cute selfie together while wearing matching flower headbands
Courtesy of Katie Terrell Ramos

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Katie Terrell Ramos of Durango, CO. You can follow their journey on Instagram and her website. Submit your own story here, and be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories, and YouTube for our best videos.

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