Taking good care of yourself is tricky. There’s so much to consider to cultivate a well-balanced life. It can get overwhelming.
These six strategies help keep me focused on what matters most. Is it exhaustive? Probably not. But it’s a helpful place to start when you’re overwhelmed by it all.
1. Ask Yourself What YOU Need
A thousand voices try to tell you the answer to this question, but you are the only one who can really answer it. Your needs will look different based on your body and your season, not anyone else’s.
2. Nourish Yourself
Sip some sparkling water with a lemon wedge instead of soda. Take your vitamins. Don’t just grab forgotten nuggets off your kid’s lunch plate because it’s easy. Make yourself a pot of soup, or that fancy tuna salad you’ve been craving, or even grandma’s famous enchiladas. Nourishment is more than trendy nutrition.
3. Prioritize Hygiene
Take a shower. Brush your teeth. Wash your face. Put on real clothes. Get your hair cut, paint your nails, wear lip gloss—whatever makes you feel fresh and fabulous. Do the best with what you have. A simple daily shower really, really helps.

4. Get Moving
Hate running? Ride a bike. Play tennis or pickle ball or a game of basketball out in your front driveway. Go for a walk with your man after dinner, holding hands and chatting as you go. Just pick something, and do it.
5. Cultivate Spiritual Disciplines
Read your Bible. Talk to God often and listen for His voice while you wash dishes. Turn on worship music. Thank Him for all you have.
6. Create Boundaries And Ask For Help
Honor your limits and say no when needed. Ask for help when you know you need it, then accept it without guilt.

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Rachel Maier of Kansas. You can follow her journey on Instagram and Facebook.
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