Eliza Murphy

Eliza Murphy

As a Digital Editor of Love What Matters, I'm here to pull on your heartstrings and make you smile. After spending nearly six years as a Digital Reporter for ABC News' "Good Morning America," I'm thrilled to continue sharing touching and inspiring stories that the world is so craving. We can all use more love in our lives -- now you've found the perfect place to get it.

‘Was it my fault?,’ he wrote down. I ran to get his mom. ‘Is everyone else okay?’: Husband makes miraculous recovery after car accident, months in ICU, ‘completely overcome’ on wedding day

“His coworker saw one of their work trucks in a bad accident on the highway. My heart started to race. I frantically called Brian over and over again. Still no answer. Driving to the hospital is all a blur. I turned to my right and saw a crew of doctors performing surgery on a person’s head. With horror in the nurse’s eyes, she realized I belonged to the man under the operating light.”

‘The ache in my heart starts around the holidays. I know I am being ‘watched.’ I’m actually afraid everyone will think I have moved on and forgotten my son.’: Bereaved mom navigates grief during the holidays

“Everyone asked if we were doing anything special in honor of Alex on the first anniversary of his death. I refuse, to this day, to call it an anniversary. It is the day our lives changed forever. Anniversaries are for celebrating. So I just call it the day Alex died.”

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