Sophia San Filippo

Managing Editor & SEO Lead

Based in New York City, Sophia San Filippo has worked with Love What Matters as a lead editor and content curator since early 2019 and has acted as Managing Editor since early 2021. She is a Summa Cum Laude graduate of Binghamton University who holds a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature, Creative Writing, and Women, Gender, & Sexuality Studies. She is passionate about personal storytelling and creating a positive space in media to better the lives of others. On a typical day you can find her rocking out at her local concert venue, admiring nature, or baking her latest kitchen experiment.

‘The time will come too quickly, when they’ll be out the door.  Before you know it, those 18 years fly, and you’ll be wishing for the time back.’: Mom urges ‘take every day for what it’s worth’

“You stand on the sidelines cheering them on, guiding them through the ins and outs of life. You take every hug you can get, kiss every boo-boo, give advice when they need it, and hope as they grow and age, they know mom will always be there with her door wide open.”

‘Someone drove by and shouted, ‘Get back in your house. You’re the reason people are dying!’ For sitting on my lawn. Alone.’: Wife of nurse says ‘have grace, you don’t know what others are going through’

“I haven’t kissed or hugged my husband who works on the frontlines as a nurse in weeks. Every night, I must reassure my 5-year-old that no, daddy’s not going to die. But when the lights go out, I worry about the same thing. There I was, instantly sobbing because someone decided to lash out on me for breathing air.”

‘The toddler who threw an epic tantrum? He’s bored right now, and he’s picking up on everyone else’s emotions.’: Woman urges ‘love harder, we’re all in this together’

“The teenager who’s frustrated and full of attitude? She’s lonely and misses her friends. Your spouse who’s been short tempered? He’s carrying worries he’s too afraid to communicate. The friend who forgot to call back? She’s overwhelmed and just doing the best she can to get by right now.”

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