‘I cried, ‘I can’t do this. I want to stop.’ I had to deliver my daughter knowing I’d never hear her cry.’: Woman delivers rainbow baby sister after losing daughter to Mosaic Trisomy 15

“The silence was deafening. I felt the weight of her as they placed her in my arms. She was a little over 4 pounds. She was beautiful. We held her and had pictures taken with her. Then a couple of days later, we left the hospital with a box instead of our daughter.”

‘I want you to raise him and be his parents for the rest of his life.’ She gave us the biggest blessing of our lives.’: Couple adopt 3 miracle children after unexplained infertility diagnosis

“My husband took my hands and said, ‘Rachel, I think we need to wait. I feel like a child is going to be put into our lives when we aren’t expecting it.’ Two days later, the sweetest baby boy was wheeled into the room. As soon as I saw him, my heart knew….I would do anything for him.”

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