‘I awoke to three strangers standing in our living room, grave concern on their faces. ‘Their mom hasn’t been here.’ I was driven away by police car, anxious and confused.’: Former foster youth urges ‘you aren’t your circumstances’

“We finally arrived at our destination. A modest green house with a chain link fence. Standing at the sidewalk was a petite elderly woman with a white t-shirt, floral skirt, and hair pulled in a high bun. She greeted me with a smile. ‘Hi Jamerika,’ she said, as if she knew me her whole life.”

Woman battling unexplained infertility takes a photo with her faith-based infertility support group

‘Your average couple, we started trying to conceive. Here we are, three years later, with no children.’: Woman battling unexplained infertility thanks support group, ‘We aren’t meant to go through trials alone’

“All my friends getting pregnant, I started to feel the weight of bitterness set in. It was then I reached out to a support group. This is not a community women want to be a part of, but it is one that has each other’s back. It’s a sisterhood.”

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