Peter Lim

A woman staring into her reflection in a mirror

4 Strategies To Overcome Imposter Syndrome

“I compared myself to everyone. I assumed everyone was more intelligent than me. No matter how many credentials or physical proofs said I was ‘good enough,’ I still felt I was unqualified.”

8 Key Tips To Carry Grief

“I began to think of my own death constantly. I’d even envision my own funeral. I’d get upset that I wasn’t going to be there. I want to provide the cushion that my brother couldn’t give me when he died.”

5 Key Tips To Help You Thrive With A Chronic Illness

“Your doctors will tell you it’s in your head or to lose weight. Your friends will tell you to buy this or that and it’ll be your cure. Your family will think you’re an attention seeker. Your job will terminate you because you are always sick.”

5 Powerful Tips To Overcome Abuse

“For years, I had every example showing me abuse as how life was supposed to be. So, when I met him, it felt normal. What I should have been saying was that I deserve better.”

5 Important Tips to Become A Successful Single Mother

“I knew then, at that moment watching the screen as her little body fluttered across I was going to do everything in my power to be the mom that baby surely deserved. Becoming her mama was truly what I was meant to do in this life.”

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