‘I was pregnant with my first child when the doorbell rang. ‘Either you buy this house or you have to move.’ There was no way in hell we could afford it.’: Mom ‘in tears’ after miracle turns her into homeowner

“I knew my credit. I knew our bank account. What happened next still gives me chills to this day. She turned from her computer, looked at us, and said, ‘OK, just give me a second to print out your approval letter.’ WHAT?!?!? Did she just say ‘approved?’ We walked out of there in tears.”

‘My job has been turned upside down, inside out, shredded, and handed back with the instruction ‘make it work.’: Teacher urges for ‘compassion’ amid reopenings, ‘Work with us, not against us’

“We are existing in a completely foreign environment, trying to keep ourselves from drowning, all while trying to do the best by kids. Parents, we need to be a team. We need you to stand in the gaps. We are doing absolutely everything we can.”

‘You can choose comfort care or surgery.’ I wanted to scream. I didn’t know what quality of life he’d have.’: Mom loses baby with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome, ‘He only knew love’

“’This defect is so rare, you’ll probably never see it in your lifetime.’ I felt like I was in a dream. I pinched myself a few times. What snapped me back to reality was the doctor saying, ‘I can do these surgeries, but his chance of survival is slim.’ I wanted the nightmare to end.”

‘Why mommy, why my daddy?’ He had an accident. ‘I’m going to do one thing for us. Get married.’: After ‘catastrophic brain injury,’ woman marries fiancé in ICU before his passing

“At 5.30 a.m., a friend was in our bedroom. ‘Wake up, he’s hurt his head!’ His skull was shattered. I collapsed on him and cried like I never cried in my life. How was I going to tell the boys what happened to their daddy? I rang the ICU to tell them of my wishes.”

‘I kissed him with a face full of blood. I hid his gun every time an argument was coming. I built up every part of him, while he destroyed each part of me.’: Woman’s harrowing story shows ‘how easily domestic violence can go unnoticed’

“This was a man I️ would’ve given my last breath for, but chances are, he’d be the one taking it from me. I painted the most beautiful picture of our family while living in horror. Five and a half years ago, I would’ve said it could never be me.”

‘Your chances of conceiving are zero.’ I could also lose my husband. We couldn’t catch a break.’: Couple births baby with Down syndrome while husband battles cancer, ‘She was the missing piece of our puzzle’

“I got a call I could have never expected. ‘The doctor thinks I may have cancer.’ Our dreams and future slipped out of our grasp. I looked at that little stick and thought, ‘Maybe things are looking up after all.’ But I just had this feeling deep down in my gut something wasn’t right.’”

‘That’s crazy!’ I filed it away under the ‘that would never happen’ section of my brain. Then came ‘the call.’ I broke down in fear.’: Baby diagnosed with Biliary Atresia, undergoes liver transplant, ‘She’s full of life’

“I was sleeping in hospital chairs at 20-something-weeks pregnant, walking a bridge back and forth between the children’s hospital and the cancer center, visiting my mom who was undergoing treatment for her second round of cancer. All while my husband was laid-off for needing time to help watch our other children.”

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