‘Our marriage was over. I found out things about him that left me devastated. I was raised in a home where divorce didn’t happen.’: Mom overcomes divorce and alcoholism with 2 years of sobriety

“I called a guy on the phone. He was like, ‘are you drunk?’ I said, ‘no,’ and my friends started laughing. Here I was, 24 years old, single mom of 2 boys and working 2 jobs. I was hurting and every chance I got I went to bars and drank more than I should have. I was in self-destruct mode.”

‘When am I going to get my baby brother? I just want my baby brother.’: After losing a baby at 11 weeks, mom is THRILLED to tell her son he’d finally get ‘his baby brother’

“His smallness took my breath away. That night, my in-laws brought Mikey to see me. We told him he finally had his baby brother. The first time Mikey saw him, he beamed. ‘He has red hair just like me!’ I feel honored to witness their love. It’s as if the two of them were destined to be each other’s brother.”

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