Woman struggling with infertility looks forlorn with her head in her hands

I Want To Conceive, But I Don’t Want To Keep Trying

“My body is exhausted, my mind feels lost, and my spirit has been continually crushed. Month after month we try so hard, but are still left with nothing more than a handful of negative tests. Yet, I still can’t get myself to give it all up and quit.”

‘My husband said, ‘It’s a girl!’ I was terrified. How could I connect with such a huge mother wound?’: Girl mom, child trauma survivor urges ‘you can break generational patterns’

“Finding out I was pregnant was an initial shock. I had vowed I would never have children. How could I mother children if I didn’t have a mother example to rely on? After the initial shock, I became ecstatic about the possibilities – until I realized I had a 50-50 chance of having a daughter!”

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