17 Things This Mom Wishes She Knew Before Becoming A Parent

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“I wish they would have told me how bad your boobs could hurt when you’re pumping alone and inexperienced like a solo mama cow in the living room.

I wish they would have told me my husband and I wouldn’t always parent the same way.

I wish they told me nothing about my mind or body would ever be the same.

I wish they would have told me even the wildest college party could not have prepared any of us for raising all boys, or that not even the prettiest calming pink hue could soften the sass of some girls.

I wish they would have told me becoming a mom doesn’t happen overnight, not for everyone.

I wish they would have told me about how long it took to heal. And what it felt like when everyone was holding the baby and nobody was holding me.

I wish they would have told me how easy it is to resent your partner in those early days, when all that baby needs is you.

I wish someone would have told me life with kids means everything is always a little damp. The dog, the kid, you, all of it is always a little wet somehow.

I wish they would have told me how when you leave that hospital as a first-time mom, or the last time, and anytime really – that every time you feel like you’re leaving a little piece of you behind – even when you simultaneously feel more fulfilled than ever.

I wish someone would have told me the years go as quickly as the days.

To pick a spot with shade.

That Mickey Mouse is just a phase.

That nothing can prepare you for the transition from mama to mom.

That every day is different and no two mamas are the same.

That I was not alone.

I wish someone would have told me that; so, I’m here to tell you now.

Sister, it’s not always rainbows and you’re not just a solo mama cow in the living room. Sister, I can see you.

A lot of the lessons come in with the storm it takes to make the rainbow, I just want you to know that… because I wish I had known I was not alone. 

Sister, you are not alone. Not in this role.

Oh yeah, and you need to know, you’re almost definitely going to need a better vacuum! I wish they would have told me that.”

mother sits at stump of tree holding her child, in the background another mom is with her child
Courtesy of Wallflower Writing

This story was submitted to Love What Matters  by Wallflower Writing at Detroit Moms. You can follow her journey on InstagramSubmit your own story here and be sure to our free email newsletter for our best stories.

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