“Mom guilt doesn’t have to be a life sentence. Might as well unpack your baggage instead of carrying it around.
Let that baby sleep.
Eat that chocolate cake.
Get. Those. Shoes.
You should absolutely go to Target.
Don’t hide that Starbucks cup, you deserve like 10 more.
Go on, have some quick scrolls.
Take that girls trip.
Enjoy yourself sometimes.
Just take a minute, however it comes.
Because, no matter what picture you paint, frequently framing your inadequacy as a mom, as a wife, as a friend — let. it. go. It’s not the truth.
Moms are hardworking, often unspoken super heroes who go without.
But you don’t deserve any less.
You are good enough, smart enough, funny enough, and you have it all going on.
You are not different because you are a mom. You are better because you are a mom.
It’s way too easy for people to have an opinion about the hardest job in the world to do when they aren’t the ones doing it. And it’s even harder to catch a break when you’re the one who is actually doing it.
You will fight the good fight, probably with too much coffee and not enough sleep, but you will rise to each occasion.
Whatever. They. May. Bring.
It’s more likely than not that these children of ours are far more likely to lead by our example than they are to follow our advice.
So go on and love yourself. Speak good things to yourself.
Put your feet up once in a while.
Let your hair down.
Be gentle with yourself.
Every mama out there is doing the best a mama can.
I promise you, mom guilt doesn’t have to be a life sentence.
Unpack it now.”

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Wallflower Writing at Detroit Moms. You can follow her journey on Instagram and her website. Submit your own story here, and be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories, and YouTube for our best videos.
Read more from Wallflower Writing here:
The Void Of Grief Remains, No Matter How Much Time Passes
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