I am not going to do the typical post celebrating famous people, bloggers, or people who we ‘should’ look up to.
This International Women’s Day, I want to celebrate every special needs mother.
Every woman who is doing the hardest job in the world each day.
Every woman who had to give up work or cut down their hours to look after the most amazing child in the world.
Every woman who is fighting for their child’s needs.
Fighting for assessments, services, school places.
Every woman who is their child’s voice, their advocate.
I want to celebrate all of the women who think that they are not doing a good enough job.
Who think that they do not have the fight left in them.
I want to celebrate every woman who has cried into their pillow at night, after holding it together all day.
Who has gone to the doctor and said they are not coping.
The women who are the strongest people I know, but they probably don’t believe it about themselves.
Know that you are good enough.
You are strong enough.
And that your babies love you beyond belief.
Today, take a deep breath and remember that you are doing a damn good job.
We may be moms, but we are women first.
And boy, are we strong.”

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Nicole Duggan of Cork, Ireland. Follow her on Facebook here and Instagram here. Submit your own story here and be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories, and YouTube for our best videos.
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