When The World Feels Heavy, Look For Hope In The Tiniest Of Places And Hold On

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“Where is there hope?

When the world is on fire, and we feel overwhelmed, we cry out for hope.

Hope can be found in the ugly and the broken.

It is in the weeds and the thorns.

The abyss seems to have no exit.

There is hope in the most unlikely of places.

Even in the bottom of despair.

Have we survived the worst of our days?

No, we have not.

Because the only constant is change.

Change means that one day, the worst may be behind you.

But the next day, the worst might be yet to come.

So what do we do when the world seems so lost?

While perched in a cave of darkness, we wait.

We search for the tiniest bit of light as we clutch to hope.

Love and truth have won more often than not.

It is impossible to value hope without pain.

It is impossible to have faith without doubt.

So we keep going, and we keep fighting.

We do our best to change the world through our daily actions.

To spread more joy and less hate.

When the world seems heavy, we remember.

To talk about the dark parts of our history so that we do not repeat the same mistakes.

To share the stories of horror coming out of war-torn places.

Knowing there is more to this life.

More beauty, even in the most hopeless of places.

Anguish reveals our sins like a bare tree in winter so that new flowers may grow through our repentance in spring.

To give us hope.

We look for hope in the tiniest of places,

And we hold on.”

woman holding her new born baby's hand
Courtesy of Aliette Silva

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Aliette Silva. You can follow her journey on Instagram. Submit your own story here. Be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories, and YouTube for our best videos.

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