“Whether you’re a mom of one, or a mom of 12. Whether you became a mom by surprise at the age of 16, or at the age of 40 after endless tears and round after round of IVF treatment. Whether you became a mom via water birth, natural birth, or c-section.
Whether you gave birth, or you adopted someone else’s baby and welcomed them into your own arms and into your own family. Whether you had a surrogate, have fostered a baby who needed a home for just a little while, or whether you got married and instantly became a mom with the promise of ‘I do.’
Whether you hold your husband’s hand every day and mother standing with the support of a spouse. Whether you live with your parents and you all do this thing as a unit, or whether you love those babies day in and day out single-handedly (I think you are an absolute Rockstar, by the way.)
Whether you never got the chance to hold your baby. Whether you didn’t get to hold your baby nearly long enough, or whether your babies are big and grown and are the ones holding you now.
Whether Mother’s Day is the happiest day of the year for you. Whether it’s full of goodness or whether it’s full of grief. Whether it fills your heart with joy, crushes your heart with pain, or sways back and forth dancing wildly between the two:
You are part of a special group of women. You are a member of a very select tribe, who builds each other up and hugs each other close. Who understands each other. Who smiles politely when your child is throwing a tantrum, who winks when you’re in the middle of a meltdown, who reaches out their hand when you feel broken and unsure of where to turn.
When your heart breaks, a tiny piece of all of our hearts break for you. When you mourn, a tiny piece of all of our souls mourn with you. When your whole world falls apart, a tiny piece of our world falls apart right beside you.
And when you smile, we smile for you. When you rejoice, we rejoice with you. When you are overrun with gladness, we will jump up and down and be overrun with gladness right there beside you.
You are never alone. You are never isolated.
You are seen. You are heard. You are valued.
You are a mother. We all are. And no matter how different our journeys may be, we all cross paths at some point.
We are all in this together.
Happy Mother’s Day.”

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Amy Weatherly. The article originally appeared here. Follow Amy on Instagram here and Twitter here. Submit your story here, and be sure to subscribe to our best love stories here.
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