Adorable Video Of Confident Girl Shows The Power Of Positive Affirmations

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Oftentimes, children’s simple words can teach us a lot about what it means to love ourselves and be grateful for what we have. 6-year-old Jade shows us this in a video of her showing off her new outfit she got after Valentine’s Day. Covered in hearts, she smiles and tells us what she loves.

“I love my outfit. I love myself. I hope you love yourself too!” Jade says.

Jade’s mom, Tanika, hopes to promote self-love and positivity in her daughter’s life to make sure she always believes in herself and her abilities. In her profession, Tanika works to empower women in spaces where they may feel unheard or underrepresented.

In life and work, she has seen up close how external messages can impact women’s feelings and views. She doesn’t want Jade to ever feel this kind of pressure.

“I want her to never have a need to sit through a lecture about finding her voice, taking a seat at ‘the table’ or having the confidence to ‘show up and show out!’” Tanika tells Love What Matters. “I want her to be curious. I want her to be empowered. I want her to believe in her own abilities while embracing – not erasing – her imperfections.”

mom and daughter smiling and laughing
Courtesy of Tanika Cabral

To do this, Tanika believes it’s necessary to start with self-love. And Jade shows this love in abundance.

When asked what she likes about herself, Jade said to Love What Matters, “I’m a good friend and my teacher says I’m a responsible role model. I also like being funny.”

Beyond the talks the two have about self-love, Tanika does her best to minimize the impact of negative external messages, to Jade and her other two children, Benjamin and Saige.

“Many kids in my generation were coached to be seen, not heard; to assimilate and not make waves,” Tanika says. “Not my Jade! We teach her to love who she is as an individual… even when she wants to wear fancy dresses with rain boots on the wrong feet.”

cover photo
Courtesy of Tanika Cabral
mom and daughter having fun in dresses
Courtesy of Tanika Cabral

This kind of self-love and acceptance is so important in a time full of the internet and outside messages. By teaching confidence and acceptance of yourself, Tanika shows how to raise a generation of strong and inspired women.

This article was written exclusively for Love What Matters by Anna Steingruber. Follow Tanika Cabral’s journey on Instagram. Submit your own story here.

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