‘I’ve tried purging, organizing, shelves, bins and baskets. And yet, tiny pants, pieces of Lego, socks, and random forks are scattered all about.’: Mom’s sweet reason for appreciating messy home

“Truth is, I can’t stand the f***ing mess. But one day, it’s going to be clean. So for now, I’ll continue putting socks and pants and forks back in their place in exchange for hugs and goodnight kisses and tending to sweet little voices at their every beck and call. Because in my house at least, you can’t have one without the other.”

‘My little baby bump under a baggy sweatshirt, I waited nervously to receive my first round of chemo.’: Pregnant breast cancer warrior ‘fights or two’

“In an instant, our little sweetheart was laid on my chest. Her little cries told us she was working perfectly – no evidence whatsoever she’d been through 13 rounds of chemo. Tears filled my eyes, and I pulled a warm blanket around her. ‘Hi, Hope,’ I said as she snuggled against my chest and stopped crying.”

‘I did it, honey.’: Widow gets master’s degree, becomes teacher with support from terminally ill husband

“My husband Facetimed me from his hospital bed, his faded blue hospital gown askew. As we said our goodnights and I love you’s, I put the boys to bed and headed to the dining room. With my head on the table, I quietly cried, the wood slowly drinking my tears. Then I opened my laptop and proceeded to do my homework, just the way Chris wanted me to.”

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