‘Who’s that?’ I turn the camera to reveal not one, but two babies. ‘We kept it a secret Dad!!’: Mom to 5 surprises dad battling prostate cancer with newborn twins, now family of 9

“I was scared to tell him about my pregnancy. Only 5 months before, I had just delivered my 5th child via c-section. He thought we were nuts. ‘Let’s hope it’s a girl this time.’ When the time came, we sent pictures of newborn Bertie, yet again another boy. But we still had a secret to reveal to everybody.”

‘I received a call. ‘We have a 14-year-old boy. He really needs to leave the home he is in.’: Single mom becomes foster parent to help other families battling addiction, adopts teenager

“After a 3-day binge, I told my husband he needed to choose. He could go to rehab and get sober, or he needed to leave. He chose to leave. I was a single mom with two heartbroken little boys. I knew I wanted to help other kids out there going through the same thing.”

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