‘I don’t want to deliver my baby in a car!’ I started to bawl. My baby’s foot was hanging out of my cervix.’: Woman gives birth to baby at 22 weeks, ‘I had no idea they saved tiny babies like mine’

“I felt fluid run down my leg. I panicked, bawling because I didn’t know what was happening. I was only 22 weeks and 2 days. The doctor gave me two options: He could be intubated or just lay on my chest for comfort care. I told her to try everything to save my baby.”

‘My mother and stepdad sent me with a strange man in the middle of the night. ‘Was I traded for drugs?’ I was ten years old.’: Woman overcomes childhood trauma and rape, ‘I learned the power of letting go’

“As I threw the rock into the river, I said, ‘I forgive you,’ letting go of all the pain and resentment I had been carrying. Don’t get me wrong… the people who abused me in my past, who were supposed to care for me and protect me, did NOT deserve my forgiveness.”

‘You’ll sit with your midwife and calmly place your order. ‘A 2-hour water birth, please,’ you’ll say, smiling toward her. The big day arrives, they’ve messed your order up, bad.’: Mom laughs at the reality of motherhood

“You realize you can’t shove them back in your womb, And there are no refunds allowed, so you gotta face up to your doom. Mother to mother, if I had to say one thing, it would be ‘buckle-up tight and stock up on the gin.”

‘How are you holding up?’ I gripped the steering wheel, my eyes so blurry I couldn’t see the road. She isn’t a friend I talk with often, but she’s a friend who asks the tough questions, and then just shuts up.’: Woman thankful for true friend during hardships

“My mom had just been diagnosed with advanced cancer, and I was also busy caring for a newborn along with a potty-training two-year-old. ‘How are you REALLY holding up?’ She gave me THE LOOK—you know, the ‘don’t BS with me’ look.”

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