I Got Chronically Ill At 19, And All My Friends Abandoned Me

“My empty space in photographs was an open wound; I’d cry scrolling through Instagram, feeling left out and forgotten, wondering when things would change. I’ve read time and again people are grateful for their illness because it’s shown them who their true friends are. But what do you do when your illness proves you had almost no true friends at all?”

Special needs mom shares photos of her son with severe epilepsy, one smiling and carefree and one looking sad in the hospital

‘Your son has the worst epilepsy I’ve ever seen.’ It’s insane to have doctors ask how to treat your child.’: Mom shares son’s journey with Epilepsy through misdiagnoses, mistreatment to 3 years seizure free

“As time passed, I saw major changes in my once happy, carefree child. He was withdrawn and started to not like playing with his siblings or classmates. The doctor told me it was ‘just a side effect.’ My mom gut told me something wasn’t right.”

‘She looks 7 months pregnant.’ Only 14, my stomach was so big and hard. I knew something wasn’t right.’: Woman candidly details battle with childhood ovarian cancer, infertility journey

“‘You’re fine. I’ll call the doctor, but it’s probably nothing.’ They pulled mother aside and asked if she was sure I wasn’t pregnant. ‘99% sure.’ When the test came back negative, we were told, ‘All your daughter’s organs are covered with a huge mass.'”

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