‘Just 5 years old he prayed, ‘Please God, send me an Earth Dad.’ Turns out, he didn’t need to be ‘found.’ He was right there all along.’: Woman finds love close to home after husband’s suicide

“There was a shift in the world, bringing us together at the same place, at the same time. And in the matter of one afternoon, our hearts opened to feel something we’d never considered before. A man I had known for years, and yet, I was truly just seeing for the very first time.”

‘Hi, this is your OB calling. I have your genetic results.’ Tears flowing, I realized my ‘pregnancy hormones’ were actually a premonition.’: Mom to son with Down syndrome vows to spend rest of life ‘shouting his worth’

“‘We will do this. This is our baby and we will love him no matter what.’ As we exited the car, I saw parents holding the hands of their little girl. She turned around and smiled at us and I saw SHE had it too. Tears flooded my eyes as I realized God was already showing up for us.”

On the left, woman battling breast cancer takes a photo with her family, on the right, same woman shows off her scars from her double mastectomy

‘Your cancer is aggressive.’ I replied, ‘Great, so am I.’ I was the youngest one in the oncology suite by 30 years.’: Breast cancer survivor celebrates three years cancer free, ‘I chose not to let fear define me’

“I was flooded with support, but also stories of ‘my aunt had it and she died’ or ‘my sister’s friend had it twice and she’s great now.’ I didn’t want the pink-washed version of cancer. I didn’t need you to tell me to write my kids goodbye letters. My story was different.”

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