“I shouldn’t have survived.”
- Love What Matters
- Love
- Divorce
“I shouldn’t have survived.”
“I thought we lost touch for good, but fate had other plans.”
“We packed up our entire life and moved 12 hours away to Nashville, Tennessee.”
“’I’m done. I don’t want to be his wife anymore.’ I knew I couldn’t be a wife to him anymore, but I was so scared of losing my best friend.”
“My emotions do not control me or what I choose to do. I can smell roses and see color.”
“Loneliness hurts – both literally and figuratively. I began losing my hair and was diagnosed with adrenal fatigue. I cried daily. Suicidal ideation creeped in, first shocking, and then regularly.”
“Bombarding someone with grand gestures when they’ve asked you to leave them alone is a form of harassment. Attempting to sabotage a former partner’s relationship because you want them back is abusive. Sharing private conversations publicly, especially after they’ve asked you not to, is abusive.”
“Learning to love myself again was essential to us being okay, and I knew it. We learned how ‘hard’ could be rewarding for us all.”
“Even though breast cancer took a lot from me, it birthed a magnificent daughter who taught me to choose myself. My body is now a road map for my journey of self-love.”
“My ex-husband and I are divorced, but we are still a family. The concept of a ‘divorced family’ seems like an oxymoron, but it’s how we have chosen to live our lives post-divorce.”