‘Why isn’t anyone congratulating me? Sadly, my daughter’s arrival wasn’t celebrated.’: Woman gives birth to baby with Treacher Collins Syndrome, ‘Our normal is different, but I wouldn’t change it for anything’

“I was excited and ready to meet our baby girl! I realized something was not right. I said, ‘What is happening?’ Why is my husband so confused and scared? Why can’t my mom look at me? Why did my doctor step out? No one said a word. The silence tore me apart. I finally got a glimpse of Bella and… she looked ‘different.’”

‘Is THIS how you act at SCHOOL?!’ ‘NO, I’M NOT YELLING.’ I nailed this homeschool thing for exactly 3 minutes before crazy started coming out of my mouth.’: Mom says to teachers ‘we miss you!’

“‘THE ANSWER IS 4. JUST WRITE DOWN 4. LIFE WILL EXPLAIN IT TO YOU LATER.’ ‘NO, I’M NOT YELLING.’ ‘WIPE YOUR DIRTY HANDS before you touch my computer!’ ‘Because he’s a BABY! Watching Frozen 2 IS HIS HOMEWORK.’ Teachers, we miss you! I am so sorry for all the things my kids are. When school resumes, I’ll bring you gifts of Starbucks and lunch and Adderall and Xanax and Tylenol. Once they’re all back in stock.”

‘Enjoy your two weeks off.’ We would all welcome Netflix and a snack day, but I have been working nonstop.’: Teacher says, ‘Here’s the TRUTH about what we teachers are doing’

“The last few days have been an absolute whirlwind and a total blur. I can’t tell you how many times my Apple Watch has told me to ‘Breathe.’ I woke up at 7:30 a.m. to three texts from my coworkers. I’m currently researching how to use YouTube as a potential platform for sharing videos of lessons. We are working hard for your kids.”

‘Why don’t you lose weight?’ Me, unimpressed by an egotistical doctor: ‘Or you could just do your job.’: Woman with cervical cancer, PCOS beats infertility, ‘Always fight for yourself because you are worth it’

“I quickly became friends with Wanda, the lovely trans-vaginal ultrasound wand I had a hot date with every morning. ‘We found something on your cervix.’ My period stopped. I almost fainted on the subway on my way to work. I started gaining weight. I was told I likely would never naturally have children. Well, f**k.'”

‘My daughter was emergency rushed back into the states from El Salvador. As she showed me all her photos, it occured to me: we have everything we need.’: Woman urges us to ‘count our blessings’ during quarantine

“Everything has shut down. Most of us are going to spend weeks, maybe months feeling restless, worried, and angry. While we’re stuck in our places, take a good hard look around and see all we have. These commodities are BLESSINGS we forget to count.”

‘It’s time to check on your pregnant friends, too – because their babies will be born, even if the rest of the world is shutting down.’: Birth doula urges to expecting moms ‘you are NOT alone, don’t let fear win’

“Preventing a birthing person from having their support team with them – not even a spouse, but ALSO not their doula, trained and contracted to provide them with emotional and physical comfort – is traumatic and brutal, plain and simple.”

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