20-Ton Truck Kills Her 3 Children. 6 Months Later, Mom Gets Pregnant With ‘Miracle’ Triplets

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In May 2007, the lives of Lori and Chris Coble were forever changed by a horrific tragedy. Lori was driving down the California freeway, heading home with their three children, 4-year-old Emma, 2-year-old Katie and 5-year-old Kyle, when a big-rig truck carrying 40,000 pounds while speeding crashed into the back of their minivan.

The impact was devastating and each Coble family member was transferred to separate hospitals.

Then came the earth-shattering news. Chris learned that all of his children had passed away.

Miraculously, Lori survived though she had no memory of the fatal crash. Her husband had to tell her what happened, and that their babies were gone.

While Lori and Chris attempted to piece their lives back together with the support of their community, they felt a calling to ensure that Emma, Katie and Kyle did not die in vain. In the midst of their anguish, they worked together to shed light on problems within the trucking industry, like speeding as the result of the lack of sleep experienced by so many truckers across the country.

Lori and Chris also felt another calling: to try and have another child.

The couple turned to IVF treatments — and just six months after the accident, Lori discovered she was pregnant.

But their story was far from over. Watch the video below to see why the Cobles’ pregnancy was a true “sign from above,” as they call it. This is so unbelievable.

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