“Every teacher you know has thought about it.
Every teacher you know has a plan for an active shooter.
Every teacher you know has weighed their point of fight or flight.
Every teacher you know has walked their room looking for blind spots.
Every teacher you know has passed their classroom to see what it would look like from the outside.
Every teacher you know has wondered how fast they can lock a door.
Every teacher you know has had a talk about the ‘spread out‘ or ‘group together’ methods.
Every teacher you know has gotten jumpy at least once at the sound of a fire alarm, unplanned announcement, or screech from the quad.
Every teacher you know has wondered if they could be in the way long enough to prevent damage.
Every teacher you know has thought about how hard it would be to keep 25 young people quiet.
Every teacher you know has walked into a different classroom and noticed where the doors and windows are.
Every teacher you know thinks it can happen, so they pray it doesn’t.
Every teacher you know.
And, at some point in their lives, children in a classroom think at least one (if not all) of these things as well.
I’m just sick.
Heartbroken and sick.
Edited to add: This of course goes for school staff of all departments and any workplace that elicits these feelings.”

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Angelle Domingue Terrell. Submit your own story here and be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories.
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