‘I’m slowly learning I’m not ever going to be the popular girl. I’m not going to be the prettiest, or the loudest, or the life of the party.’: Woman learns to accept herself as is, ‘I’m okay with it’

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“I’m slowly learning that I’m not ever going to be the popular girl. I’m just not.

I’m not going to be the prettiest, or the loudest, or the life of the party. I’m not going to be good at small talk, or comfortable in anything surface-y. I’m not going to be content talking about earrings and designers and gossip.

I’m not going to be invited everywhere. I’m not ever going to have that ‘it’ factor, whatever that even means. I’m not going to be the head of the cool girl table or voted on any kind of award.

I’m also slowly learning that I’m okay with it.

I may not be the one who gets asked on tons of girls’ trips, or Bunco nights, or whatever, but I am the kind of girl who would answer her phone at 3 a.m. if you needed someone to talk to. I am the kind of girl who would take you out for chips and salsa if you were struggling. I am the kind of girl who will stand up and clap like a fool when you succeed. I am the kind of girl who will tell you the truth, even when it’s hard.

I am the kind of girl who will push you, and let you relax, and encourage you to love yourself and to love your life. I am the kind of girl who will forgive without even being asked. I am the kind of girl who genuinely wants to know your whole story and will listen to every word. I am the kind of girl who will be loyal for as long as you’ll let me.

I am the kind of girl who will mess up, but I’m also the kind of girl who will do just about anything to make it right.

I’m not smooth.
I’m not sophisticated.
I will squirm if you put more than one fork on the table and expect me to know which one to use.
Nobody is going to be impressed that you know me, or even have a clue who I am.

I’m not ever going to be the popular girl, but I am the kind of girl you can come to for just about anything, and I’m okay with it.”

Courtesy Amy Weatherly

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Amy Weatherly. Follow Amy on Instagram here and Twitter here. Submit your story here, and be sure to subscribe to our best love stories here.

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