‘It’s just so hard sometimes.’ I could feel his tears coming. ‘Sir, I know exactly what you mean. I lost my mom 2 years ago.’ His heart became heavier. He asked if he could give me a hug.’

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“I hugged a stranger in Walmart.

I was in line at Walmart waiting to check out. In my cart, I had a sparkly binder to help me get my bills organized. The older gentleman behind me asked if it was a picture frame. I replied that it was to help organize my bills because it’s a mess! He chuckled and said, ‘Dear, I completely understand that.’ He was looking for a nice picture frame to use for his mother’s picture.

He had recently just lost his mother. They had lived together, and he took care of her. He looked at me and said, ‘It’s just so hard sometimes.’

I could feel tears coming. ‘Sir, I know exactly what you mean. I lost my mom two years ago and some days are just so hard.’ I could see his heart becoming heavier. He asked if he could give me a hug. Me… a total non-hugger… accepted and he told me to always take care of myself.

Two humans missing a piece of their heart. No matter your age, sex, race or social status, losing your mother is hard.

She’s still the one I want to pick up the phone and tell her a funny story or how my new job is going or ask her advice on what in the hell should I do??

The pain of no one answering on the other line is just as raw as the last time I tried calling her.

As Mother’s Day approaches this weekend, my heart goes out to the motherless. I send you a hug that comforts you in knowing you are not alone in your sorrow and there are loving humans around this Earth to give you a hug when you need it. Even in a Walmart checkout line.”

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Amber Werth. Submit your story here, and be sure to subscribe to our best love stories here.

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