How To Keep Christmas Magic Alive: 8 Parenting Tips For Conquering Holiday Stress

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“Be kind to me this Christmas…from a little person’s point of view:

You’ve probably let me eat more sugar than usual. I’m bound to have higher highs and lower lows.

During the holidays, I’m out of routine. I can cope better with transitions when I know exactly what’s coming next so please explain our plans for the day clearly to me.

The anticipation of Christmas can be pretty overwhelming and exhausting. Help me to rest by keeping to my normal bedtimes.

Traveling during Christmastime is stressful for all of us. When possible, be flexible about when we travel and check the traffic before we leave.

I have no idea about the value of money. If there’s no way I can have that giant lego set for Christmas, then please tell me well before Christmas morning. I’ll have time to get over my disappointment and I’ll learn to trust your honesty.

Grown-ups find preparing for Christmas stressful. I know you want it to be perfect for me so I’ll have memories I can cherish forever. But I see you getting stressed, sometimes even before you do.

I pick up on it and reflect it like a mirror. Please slow down, notice me, talk to me, play with me. That’s what I’ll remember.

When I lose it, and I probably will at some point, please don’t make me ashamed of my feelings by shouting at me. I never set out to deliberately disappoint you and I didn’t try to ruin your Christmas. I’m really not that calculated.

I’m just a little person whose brain deals with stress in different ways to yours. Please try to understand me, from my point of view.

And when all else fails, wrap your arms around me and hold me so I feel the strength of your love.”

Tips For Keeping The Christmas Magic Alive For Kids:

1. Establish and clearly communicate plans and changes.

2. Enforce consistent bedtimes.

3. Prepare in advance for the chaos of holiday traveling.

4. Be open and honest about finances and shortcomings.

5. Stay in tune with your stress levels and monitor your outward emotions.

6. Spend quality time with your children.

7. Offer extra grace to your children during meltdowns, fights, or tantrums.

8. Double down on displays of affection and love.

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Esther Sowerby, and augmented by Sophia San Filippo. You can follow her journey on Facebook. Be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories.

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