“When your teen asks you to go to the mall with her, go.
When she asks you to grab coffee, or watch a TikTok, or help her straighten up her room, do it.
When she asks you to go for a drive, or when she needs help with an English assignment, do it.
When she needs someone to vent to, or needs her mom’s arms to hold her metaphorically and/or physically, or wants to fill you in on the latest drama, indulge her. Listen hard. Hold her tight.
When she is feeling insecure, acknowledge it, affirm her.
When she pushes you away, give her space but also remind her that you aren’t going anywhere.
Your teen is both less dependent than before and more dependent.
It just looks different.
Soak up all the spare minutes and memories you can. For as long as you can. As often as you can.
Throw in some ‘I love you’s’ for good measure.
She’ll only be a teen for a short time, but she’ll be your baby forever.”

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Melissa Neeb from Never Empty Nest and Faith In The Mess. You can follow her journey on Instagram and Facebook. Submit your own story here. Be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories, and YouTube for our best videos.
Read more from Melissa here:
I Adore My Teens, But I Crave Those ‘Little’ Years
Kids With ‘Show Up’ Parents Become ‘Show Ups’ Themselves
‘When your big kid asks you to do something, say yes.’: Mom of teens shares important advice
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