‘These are not typical times, so don’t hold yourself to typical standards.’: Mom shares advice for overwhelmed parents, ‘It’s okay to not be okay’

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“These are not typical times, so don’t hold yourself to typical standards.

I am not at my best these days. In many moments, I feel like I am in pure survival mode.

Things I could typically let slide are setting me off. Times when I could typically compose myself, are now making me feel unhinged.

Gentle parenting? please. We’re just trying to make it through the day as unscathed as possible.

Nothing about this situation is ideal.

Our little ones are off their schedules. They are bored. They are stir crazy.

They are filled with pent-up energy, creativity, and socialization, without their usual ways to express themselves.

As moms, we’re having to constantly adjust our schedules. We are exhausted. We are ‘touched out.’ We are overwhelmed.

We feel like in every moment we are inevitably dropping the ball on something or someone.

We want a moment for ourselves, and then feel guilty for wanting it. We are trying to do it all.

Let this be my reminder to you and to myself: No one has it all together. Your best at this moment is enough, and it’s okay to not be okay.

This season feels like a never-ending challenge. And you are not alone.”

Mom holding baby in her arms while helping toddler with online homework
Courtesy of Emma Bica

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Emma Bica from Minneapolis, MN. You can follow her journey on Instagram and her websiteSubmit your own story here, and be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories.

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