‘This is 3 years and 3 days without a drink. And those 3 extra days are the best of all.’: Mom details sobriety journey, shares words of encouragement

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“This is 3 years and 3 days without a drink. And those 3 extra days are the best 3 days of all.

The first year after I stopped drinking, I’d count the days. I had a tracker app on my phone. I’d count the weeks and months. I’d do the math. I had to be able to see the progress.

The second year after I stopped drinking, I put more into my life. I chose more people. I chose more places. I got myself further away from the last drink in more ways than just seconds, minutes, and hours.

The third year after I stopped drinking, I forgot about the hangovers. I forgot about the mornings laced with self-hate, and the cycle of numbing out and hurting, even more, the next day. Even though I know those days are there in the weakest parts of my old life, I don’t have to feel them anymore.

But these last 3 days, I forgot I stopped drinking. The anniversary passed without me even knowing. I realized yesterday afternoon as I was unloading the dishwasher. I had a huge lasagna in the oven for dinner, and friends on the way to share it with us.

I had laundry to be folded and my man and our four kids huddled together in the living room watching Encanto. It was a Sunday afternoon, 3 years and 2 days after I stopped drinking, and I had so much more than I thought was possible when I had my last drink.

If you want to stop but you’re scared. If you’re trying to stop but you’re struggling. If you’re wondering what sobriety can give you, I can tell you.

It’s a Sunday afternoon. Off in the distance, when you’re so fully lost in the beautiful stupor of a new life, you suddenly remember you’ve forgotten about not drinking altogether.”

Woman takes a selfie 3 years and 3 days after her last drink
Courtesy of Katey DiStefano

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Katey DiStefano of Long Island. You can follow her journey on Instagram and Facebook. Submit your own story here. Be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories, and YouTube for our best videos.

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