Dear Friend, I’m Sorry I Didn’t Return Your Call—I’m A Busy Mom Trying My Best Not To Fall Apart

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“Dear friend,

I miss you.

I want to see you!

Let’s catch up soon, yeah?

I know you see these words from me a lot, and maybe they feel like they don’t mean anything because they don’t always have follow up actions.

But it’s not you.

It’s me.

I’m tired.

I’m exhausted.

Sometimes I’m trying to do my best not to fall apart.

Days really blur into the next, and before I know it, weeks have passed, sometimes months.

I’m sorry I didn’t return your call.

I saw it, and then someone spilled some milk.

Someone asked for a snack.

Someone fell over.

And I had to be there like a referee for it all.

I empty the sink.

And it fills up again.

I wash the clothes.

And there’s always more.

I am needed constantly.

I lose myself in the relentless of it all.

It’s not you.

It’s not personal

It’s just hard.

I’m trying my best. But sometimes, my best isn’t enough for this fast-paced life.

I feel the heaviness.

Something’s gotta change. I know.

But for now, this is where I’m at.

Dear friend,

I’m sorry.

I see you.

I care for you.

I love you.”

Busy mom poses for selfie
Courtesy of Laura Mazza

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Laura Mazza. You can follow her journey on Instagram and FacebookSubmit your own story here, and be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories, and YouTube for our best videos.

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