‘My body kept going, but it felt like my heart should have stopped when Sami’s did. He was the light of our life.’: Couple unexpectedly loses 8-month-old baby; share acts of kindness in his honor

“I started a running streak. I ran at least a mile a day (often more) for 252 days straight without stopping – the same number of days Sami was alive. I wanted a way to consciously think about what that amount of time felt like, to feel it physically.”

Special needs mom smiles with her daughters while on a hay ride at a pumpkin patch

‘I don’t want to be in their club.’ I didn’t want the label, the IEPs, the long-term care plans.’: Mom to daughter with special needs shares journey to acceptance, ‘This secret world is full of beauty’

“I’d beat myself up for comparing her to other kids and try to convince myself everything was okay. I’d comfort myself with those familiar phrases. She was just ‘going at her own pace,’ ‘every kid is different,’ she will ‘catch up.'”

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