On the left, mom holds her one-year-old daughter at her birthday party, on the right, same girl looks intently into the camera while her mom takes her photo

‘At 18 months, we worried about her lack of speech. ‘Read to her.’ She would pull the book away, mad I was touching it in the first place.’: Mom learns to accept daughter’s autism diagnosis

“I allowed myself to mourn what I thought our life was going to look like. Then I told myself I needed to move forward because that beautiful brown-eyed girl is counting on me to be her mother. To advocate for her, to fight for her, and to speak for her until she could speak herself.”

Mom on the left takes a photo with her two daughters, on the right mom takes a photo of her youngest daughter with Coffin-Siris Syndrome

‘I spent the first year of my child’s life blaming myself, not wanting my child to have ‘special needs.’: Mom to daughter with Coffin-Siris Syndrome urges ‘you are your child’s best advocate’

“When she was losing weight, it was because I tried to force breastfeeding too long. When she couldn’t bring her hands together, it was because I had swaddled her longer than I should’ve. When she couldn’t crawl, it was because I didn’t do enough tummy time.”

‘Alesha’s pregnant and Josh is the father?’ My world stopped. ‘THIS ISN’T TRUE!’ I chose to believe him.’: Bonus mom shares journey through tumultuous relationship to peaceful co-parenting

“I ended up getting pregnant with Josh’s baby in late October. I remember Josh looking at me once we read the pregnancy test and he asked, ‘What will Riley think of me?’ I was completely heartbroken. I couldn’t believe he would say those words to me. What about me, what about our baby?”

On the left, 19-year-old holds her newborn baby while her baby daddy crouches down and smiles, on the right, same woman takes a selfie with her ex's wife

‘I realized I missed my period. The word ‘PREGNANT’ appeared. I was just getting over Josh, and suddenly he was in my life forever.’: Woman shares co-parenting journey, sisterhood with bonus mom

“In my eyes, once I gave birth, Josh would see his son and remember the love he had for me. When Josh left the hospital the day Riley was born, it ripped my heart out. This was confirmation that the family I had always pictured was not going to happen.”

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