‘I pulled back the shower curtain in shock. Her eyes were sunken in, her lips blue. ‘Your daughter will likely pass.’ I sat with my head in my hands. ‘Why won’t anyone look at me?!’: Girl survives flu after 93-day battle in hospital, ‘Her health will never be the same’

“I called my husband. ‘There’s no time. Get home quickly.’ The doctor informed us, ‘If Madi doesn’t respond, we will have to intubate her.’ I just stood there in shock. ‘I don’t understand. She only has pneumonia.’ Something else was going on with her body. It all started with fever, body aches, and a cough.”

‘My dad is the town crackhead. He cried when he met my son for the first time. Every year for my birthday, he gets me a present.’: Daughter to addict urges ‘he was someone before drugs’

“Next time you see an addict on the street and you think they’re just a junkie or piece of garbage, please remember that’s someone’s family, someone’s dad, someone son, someone’s sibling, and they were someone before drugs or alcohol took them over. My dad may be an addict, but he never stops trying.”

‘I noticed a decrease in my milk supply. ‘WTF is wrong with me?!!!’ The guilt was beginning to suffocate me.’: Breastfeeding mom urges ‘fed is best’ after switching to formula

“Stella was nursing very often but having very few wet diapers. I could tell she was losing weight. I panicked and tried all the things. I ate more calories, ordered breastmilk support supplements, latched Stella what felt like a million times a day, then pumped after that. I was suffocating.”

‘Baine woke up crying about stomach pain. He was making whining noises, his eyes not tracking me. I hurried as fast as I could to the car.’: Mom raises awareness about OTC Deficiency in honor of late son, ‘He was the answer to other prayers’

“I made him toast and got him a coke. He seemed better. We talked for a minute and he fell back asleep. His eyes were no longer tracking me. I hurried as fast as I could to the car, carrying Baine in my arms. Within 5 minutes, he was losing consciousness. He was making horrible noises in his seat. He was scared, but he couldn’t communicate. His brain was being slowly poisoned.”

‘I need all you who lay awake at 2 a.m. to listen up. You’re honest ‘YOUness’ comes out in all the ways. That honesty is a gift.’: Woman says being ‘honestly you’ is needed in our world

“I felt like I had a connection with an elderly couple walking their dog on the side of the road. So, of course, I yelled. ‘Who was that?’ the kids asked. ‘I have no idea.’ They were both mortified. I realize I’ve said something weird, but they can’t see my flaming cheeks while I’m wearing a mask.”

‘I used to read him story books, now he studies textbooks. I wondered if he’d ever sleep through the night. Now, I pray he’ll get home safely at night.’: Mom talks parenting all-grown-up child

“I used to sit on the floor and play with him. Now, I sit court side while he plays. I used to plan play dates. Now, I watch him go out on dates. I used to pray for his health, his happiness, and that I could somehow be the mother he needed… and I still do.”

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