‘You need to go to the school and get them. It’s already in the news.’ My phone was flooded. ‘This isn’t real. He has to come home.’: Firefighter dies in accident on way to fight fire

“I doubled over. I couldn’t lift my arms. My head felt heavy as it rested against my knees. My dad opened the door and immediately covered me. I felt the moisture of his tears against my cheek. I approached the very tall, soft-faced Chaplain. He had the saddest eyes I’d ever seen.”

‘Mom, he’s our baby, he’s all of our baby!’ I came down with a stomach virus. ‘Have you taken a pregnancy test?’ I laughed. She knew our infertility journey.’: Woman’s surprise pregnancy after adopting 2 sons

“I immediately called Justin. ‘I think I may be pregnant!’ He asked, ‘Why on earth would you think that?’ I said, ‘I have a positive pregnancy test in my hand.’ He asked, ‘Well, how accurate are they?’ I thought, ‘I have no clue! I have never gotten a positive before.’”

‘He was always disappearing. I created a picture-perfect life for others to gawk at and admire. I didn’t want to be alone.’: Single mom says leaving her abuser was the ‘hardest decision of my life’

“The changes in his behavior were subtle. The flirting and flattery mutated into backhanded compliments and criticisms. If I ever questioned his behavior or cruelty, he would dismiss my concerns. ‘I was just joking.’ ‘You shouldn’t be so sensitive.’ ‘Can’t you take a joke?’ I spent all my energy trying to impress him.”

‘I woke up with the worst pain. ‘They’re just headaches,’ I said. Something in my mom’s heart kept pushing. ‘There’s something in your brain,’ the doctor said. I was 11, and so confused.’

“I was rushed to the PICU. I tried to stay calm, but I was terrified. I couldn’t help but think, ‘How could I have done anything wrong to deserve this?’ I hid everything behind a smile, but I knew my life would never be ‘normal’ again.”

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